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Haley’s Panel: No State Health Insurance ‘Exchange’ For S.C.

November 22, 2011

From The Post & Courier: By Renee Dudley [email protected] Friday, November 18, 2011 South Carolina should not manage its own “exchange” where health coverage will be sold once the new federal health care law takes full effect in 2014, a state panel is expected to recommend today. The S.C. Health Planning Committee wants private companies…

Haley To Reject Federal Money For ACA Implementation

July 1, 2011

From The Spartanburg Herald Journal: “This is going to mean instead of the fox guarding the henhouse, the fox would be designing the henhouse.” -Rep. Harold Mitchell By Stephen Largen [email protected] COLUMBIA — Gov. Nikki Haley has decided South Carolina won’t pursue any more grant money from the federal health care overhaul to fund a…

S.C. Dropping The Ball In Covering The Uninsured

July 1, 2011

From The Post & Courier: Panel’s delay could limit health care options Federally managed insurance marketplace looking likely By Renee Dudley [email protected] Friday, July 1, 2011 COLUMBIA — A panel charged with shaping how South Carolina implements federal health care reform met Thursday but postponed discussion of key decisions — a delay that has some…

Editorial: Health Planning Panel Needs Consumer Watchdog

May 24, 2011

From The Post & Courier: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 The South Carolina Health Planning Committee will play an important part in deciding how federal health care legislation plays out in the state — assuming the courts don’t scrap ObamaCare. So the committee should represent the broad spectrum of state residents who would be served by…

So Far, Insurance ‘Bridge’ Interests Fewer Than Expected

January 13, 2011

From The Post & Courier: By Renee Dudley [email protected] Sunday, January 9, 2011 Just more than 100 South Carolinians are enrolled in the federally-run insurance plan for adults with so-called “pre-existing” medical conditions, according to the latest data. Some advocates for the uninsured said last week that figure is far below their expectations. “Clearly there…

Economist: Health Care = Jobs In South Carolina

November 19, 2010

From The State’s opinion page: By Lynn Bailey Gov.-elect Nikki Haley campaigned on increasing South Carolina’s jobs. In South Carolina, health care means jobs — 200,000 jobs. Jobs ranging from home health aides to nursing assistants to brain surgeons to insurance claims processors and hospital administrators. Jobs for people with only a high school diploma…

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