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From The Post & Courier: By Renee Dudley [email protected] Saturday, June 4, 2011 . The Haley administration is leaving hundreds of thousands of federal health-care dollars in limbo when the money could be spent right away to help uninsured residents, patient advocates said. For the second time in recent weeks, advocates said consumers are being…
From The Post & Courier: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 The South Carolina Health Planning Committee will play an important part in deciding how federal health care legislation plays out in the state — assuming the courts don’t scrap ObamaCare. So the committee should represent the broad spectrum of state residents who would be served by…
Kudos to The Post & Courier for continuing to hammer away at Blue Cross/Blue Shield and the S.C. Insurance Commission: Saturday, May 7, 2011 The last thing the people of South Carolina need, as the unemployment rate hovers around 9.9 percent and health care costs have increased significantly, is ineffective regulation of health insurance providers.…
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