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GOP Leadership Intentionally Distorting “Obamacare”

January 18, 2011

From Forbes‘ policy analyst Rick Ungar: As we get ready for this week’s vote to repeal health care reform, it’s a good time to review the substance behind the claims that are at the center of the GOP opposition – opposition that has taken shape in the bill to be introduced this week entitled,  “Repealing…

USA Today: Calling It A “Job Killer” Doesn’t Make It So

January 18, 2011

In 2009, the Democrats who controlled Washington could see that voters’ top priority was jobs, jobs, jobs. So they focused on … health care reform. In 2010, the Republicans took America’s pulse and concluded that voters still want jobs, jobs, jobs. So the new GOP majority in the House has also made health care —…

Experts Doubt GOP’s ‘Job Killer’ Claim

January 18, 2011

By David Lightman | McClatchy Newspapers WASHINGTON — Despite what Republicans say, the 2010 health care law isn’t necessarily a job killer. Republicans have titled their effort to overturn the law the “Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act,” and that’s their favorite talking point against it. The House of Representatives will start debate on…

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