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The results are out for one of the first, large-scale studies of how increased access to health care affects health outcomes, and while it may seem to be a no-brainer, the evidence supports what health care advocates long have been saying. Increasing people’s access to health insurance – and by extension, health care – absolutely saves lives. The…
The nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation, a leading health policy research organization, reported “lower than expected” premiums for ObamaCare’s new insurance exchanges in a major study released last week. With open enrollment in new insurance marketplaces set to begin Oct. 1, the Foundation compiled premium data from the new marketplaces in the 17 states where it is fully…
As South Carolina’s state Medicaid Director Tony Keck continues to tell state policy makers that expanding the Medicaid program to bring healthcare insurance to the uninsured is not right for SC, we learn from the sound research of the Commonwealth Fund that this is absolutely untrue. A recent study reported that people who gained insurance coverage through Oregon’s…
Search for Federally Qualified Health Centers The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the US Department of Health and Human Services provides an online database that allows you to search for Federally Qualified Health Centers nationwide. HRSA health centers care for you, even if you have no health insurance. You pay what you can…
The Washington Post featured an article that discusses why Texas counties are now considering going it alone on Medicaid expansion. The CEO of University Health System Corporation in San Antonio, George Hernandez Jr., developed a concept for an alternative, county-run Medicaid expansion. He found that insufficient county budgets could find much needed relief if some of…
Hope you will join us to support healthcare for all in our country on September 2, 2012 @ 1 pm for Patients over Politics Doctors for Healthcare Tour, Bibleway Church of Atlas Road MORE INFO:
Two good medicare updates from People with Medicare Save More Than $4 Billion on Prescription Drugs Partnerships with Pharmacies to Educate Medicare Beneficiaries About Health Benefits
Being a woman just got easier!
Tomorrow (August 1) is a big deal for women in regards to healthcare provisions. The new health law goes into effect making preventive care and treatments more accessible and affordable. Herndon Alliance has organized a list of resources to be better informed of the preventative services roll out. Learn More. What are you looking forward…
Obama’s Affordable Care Act is generating a lot of speculation. Critics are forming their own assumptions and taking elements of the act out of context. A recent post from the New York Times highlights five myths tied with Obamacare. Read More
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