From USA Today: By Kelly Kennedy WASHINGTON – Beginning Thursday, consumers across the country can click their state on a federal Web page to see if a health insurer has raised its rates, as well as the company’s reason for doing so. That information was mostly unavailable before, said Steve Larsen, the Department of Health…
From Politico: Many states are struggling to get their health exchange plans ready by deadline. By SARAH KLIFF | 7/11/11 11:34 PM EDT The Obama administration’s newest health reform regulation, laying the groundwork for health insurance marketplaces in all states, may raise more questions than those it answers. The administration released a proposed regulation Monday…
From The Washington Post: By Michelle Andrews–July 4 Uninsured sick people got some good news recently, or some of them did, anyway. Starting July 1, the Obama administration reduced the premiums by up to 40 percent in special high-risk insurance plans that the federal government is running in 17 states and the District. These preexisting condition…