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From Business Insider: Abigail Caplovitz Field–Jul. 29, 2011 If the act is upheld as constitutional, federal regulations will transform the industry. For example, regulations will dictate how much of each premium can pay for overhead and profit, change insurers’ ability to decide what kind of coverage to offer, and who can purchase it. The stakes…
From The Huffington Post: John Arensmeyer–7/14/11 12:30 PM ET Politicians and pundits have focused a lot of attention on the Affordable Care Act’s requirement that everyone have health coverage, but few have looked into the health insurance marketplaces — the component of healthcare reform most important for small businesses. Fortunately, people are beginning to pay…
From The New York Times: Douglas Holtz-Eakin headed a group of 105 economists opposed to the ACA By MILT FREUDENHEIM— June 20, 2011 The debate over the effects of the federal health care law on employer-provided insurance has been intensifying in recent weeks, with controversial polls and consultants contradicting one another about whether employees will…
From By John Arensmeyer–Tuesday, June 7th, 2011 Ever since the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, opponents have thrown every attack they can think of against the wall, hoping something will stick. As attempts to repeal the law have failed, some of their arguments have become increasingly laughable and, unfortunately, unconscionably reckless. For…
The Small Business Majority commissioned a national survey of 619 small business owners from Nov. 17-22, 2010, to gauge how entrepreneurs view two critical components of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: healthcare tax credits and insurance exchanges. It found that both the small business tax credit (a provision allowing businesses with fewer than…
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