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There is still confusion about whether pre-existing conditions matter when it comes to the cost of your health insurance premium. Kaiser Health News‘ “Insuring Your Health” columnist Michelle Andrews says the answer depends on how you buy your insurance. In 2014, the health law will prohibit insurers from charging you more because of your health…
One Year Later: What if Congress Had Repealed the Affordable Care Act? For too long, too many hard working Americans paid the price for policies that handed free rein to insurance companies with few protections for patients or providers. Nearly two years ago, President Obama signed health reform – the Affordable Care Act – into…
As they stump across South Carolina, top-tier GOP candidates are fond of boasting how quickly they, as president, would do away with the Affordable Care Act. Never mind that the law’s most important provisions are hugely popular with the majority of Americans. In response, Boston Globe columnist John McDonough penned a nuts-and-bolts piece, in which he…
From The Huffington Post: By Jane Smith 10/20/11 03:48 PM ET WASHINGTON — Fewer than 34,000 Americans have signed up for a health care reform program designed to insure the uninsurable until the new law’s broader provisions take effect in 2014. Enrollment in the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) has been far below all expectations,…
News Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 31, 2011 Contact: HHS Press Office (202) 690-6343 HHS to Reduce Premiums, Make it Easier for Americans with Pre-Existing Conditions to Get Health Insurance The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) today announced new steps to reduce premiums and make it easier for Americans to enroll in…
From The Post & Courier: By Renee Dudley [email protected] Sunday, January 9, 2011 Just more than 100 South Carolinians are enrolled in the federally-run insurance plan for adults with so-called “pre-existing” medical conditions, according to the latest data. Some advocates for the uninsured said last week that figure is far below their expectations. “Clearly there…
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