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From American Medical News: Gov. Nikki Haley’s email influence flap sheds light on the struggle of states that don’t want to implement reform themselves but don’t want federal intervention. By Doug Trapp Jan. 9, 2012 A South Carolina state commission concluded in late 2011 that neither a state nor a federal health insurance exchange is…
From The Wall Street Journal: Associated Press/Don Berwick, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, will help unveil the plan Wednesday. By ANNA WILDE MATHEWS And JANET ADAMY Consumers shopping for health insurance will soon get a peek at a new standard form—akin to the nutrition label on food products—that will lay out…
By executive decree, Gov. Nikki Haley has ordered the establishment of the South Carolina Health Exchange Planning Committee, an advisory body charged with studying and recommending whether South Carolina should launch a state-based insurance exchange or punt that responsibility to the Feds. Either way, the Affordable Care Act (i.e. the new health care reform law)…
The Small Business Majority commissioned a national survey of 619 small business owners from Nov. 17-22, 2010, to gauge how entrepreneurs view two critical components of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: healthcare tax credits and insurance exchanges. It found that both the small business tax credit (a provision allowing businesses with fewer than…
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