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From The New York Times: Douglas Holtz-Eakin headed a group of 105 economists opposed to the ACA By MILT FREUDENHEIM— June 20, 2011 The debate over the effects of the federal health care law on employer-provided insurance has been intensifying in recent weeks, with controversial polls and consultants contradicting one another about whether employees will…
From Congressional Quarterly (subscribers only): May 11, 2011 – 8:43 p.m. By Emily Ethridge, CQ Staff Tens of thousands of children might lose health coverage temporarily under a Republican bill that would allow states to tighten their Medicaid rolls, according to a Congressional Budget Office report released Wednesday. The CBO found that the bill (HR…
Without health reform ‘consumers and businesses would face higher premiums,’ Sebelius says. | AP Photo By: J. Lester Feder January 28, 2011 04:50 AM EST The Obama administration is firing back at one of the major attacks Republicans have leveled at the health reform law: that it will make insurance premiums rise. A report released…
This is not about the health reform law, it is about honesty, the author writes. | AP Photo By MICHAEL KINSLEY | 1/25/11 4:50 AM EST It’s a standard item in the Republican checklist of what’s wrong with Obamacare: that advocates of the program, in computing its costs, compare six years of expenses…
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