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Must Read Inside Dope On Big Insurance’s Lobbying Efforts

November 1, 2011

From The Huffington Post: By Wendell Potter 10/31/11 08:53 AM ET If you have no idea what you’re paying good money for when you enroll in a health insurance plan, there’s a good reason for that: insurers profit from your ignorance. And they’re waging an intense behind-the-scenes campaign to keep you in the dark. In…

Guess Who Loves The Individual Mandate, Big Profits?

November 19, 2010

It’s a political pickle, all right. The same health insurance goliaths that secretly bankrolled  anti-Obama campaigns in the midterm elections, while publicly proclaiming cooperation with the White House, now have to persuade their politicians to lay off the individual mandate, no matter what their Tea Party supporters say. From Bloomberg Businessweek: By Drew Armstrong When…

Health Insurance Giants On Track To Bust Profit Records

November 18, 2010

Attention consumers: The 4th paragraph here says it all. Meanwhile health insurers have funneled $86.2 million to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to fight reforms that would contain consumer costs. From Healthwatch, The Hill’s health care blog: By Elise Viebeck The six largest investor-owned health insurance companies saw a 22 percent increase in combined net…

Big-Insurance Whistleblower Tells All, Owns Up

November 17, 2010

Check out this 2009 clip from Bill Moyer’s Journal in which former CIGNA vice president and spin-guru Wendell Potter tells of his “road to Damascus” moment and the blood on his own hands, as well as the health insurance industry’s driving concern – “what they want is to enhance their profits, enhance shareholder value”. Shocker…

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