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From The Washington Post: By Drew Altman and Larry Levitt November 18, 2011 Policymakers in Washington are consumed with the federal budget deficit. The Congressional Budget Office serves as the official referee in budget debates, keeping score of how proposed legislation would make the deficit bigger or smaller. But Congress and the public could get a…
From Talking Points Memo: Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) Brian Beutler| June 20, 2011, 6:08PM Democratic members of Congress who pressed the consulting giant McKinsey & Company to open the books on its disputed health care study are piling on, now that the firm’s released its survey materials. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT), who…
From Congressional Quarterly (subscribers only): May 11, 2011 – 8:43 p.m. By Emily Ethridge, CQ Staff Tens of thousands of children might lose health coverage temporarily under a Republican bill that would allow states to tighten their Medicaid rolls, according to a Congressional Budget Office report released Wednesday. The CBO found that the bill (HR…
From The Washington Post: Posted at 06:00 AM ET, 04/29/2011 “There’s a lot of misinformation about what we are proposing and what we are not proposing. We’re saying: Save Medicare by reforming it for people who are 54 and below by working like a system just like members of Congress and federal employees have.” —…
Congressman Paul Ryan From Talking Points Memo: Benjy Sarlin | April 15, 2011, 11:00AM At first glance, Paul Ryan’s plan to send millions of seniors into the free market with dwindling vouchers in hand might seem a boon to the private insurance industry. But would companies even want to participate? Unlike the Affordable Care Act,…
Wednesday, 06 April 2011 04:42 From Dean Baker’s blog Beat The Press at The Center for Budget and Policy Research: “Rep. Ryan Proposes Medicare Plan Under Which Seniors Would Pay Most of Their Income for Health Care” That is what headlines would look like if the United States had an independent press. After all, this…
…that would screw seniors out of their Medicare and widen the national deficit. From Paul Krugman’s NYT blog, The Conscience of a Liberal: April 6, 2011, 9:00 am By Paul Krugman Gosh. For a plan that supposedly sets a new standard of seriousness, Paul Ryan’s vision (pdf) depends an awful lot on unicorn sightings —…
Without health reform ‘consumers and businesses would face higher premiums,’ Sebelius says. | AP Photo By: J. Lester Feder January 28, 2011 04:50 AM EST The Obama administration is firing back at one of the major attacks Republicans have leveled at the health reform law: that it will make insurance premiums rise. A report released…
This is not about the health reform law, it is about honesty, the author writes. | AP Photo By MICHAEL KINSLEY | 1/25/11 4:50 AM EST It’s a standard item in the Republican checklist of what’s wrong with Obamacare: that advocates of the program, in computing its costs, compare six years of expenses…
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