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Brittanie Turpin, 23, accumulated $20,000 in medical debt from emergency gallbladder surgery last year. “It’s pretty tough without insurance,” Turpin said. Under the Affordable Care Act, passed one year ago, Turpin will be able to stay on her mother’s insurance until she is 26. (Brad Nettles)
From The Post & Courier:
Benefits to S.C. so far
On its first anniversary, the Affordable Care Act has provided health care perks to at least 820,000 South Carolinians. The law is in effect, despite the fact that it is maligned by S.C. Republican leaders and faces court challenges and threats of congressional repeal. It is expected to cost the state between $1 billion and $5 billion over 10 years.
Here are some of the benefits so far for the state:
–46,900 seniors with high prescription drug costs have received rebate checks for $250.
–15,100 young adults can stay on their parents’ insurance until they are 26.
–758,000 Medicare enrollees can receive wellness visits and preventative screenings such as colonoscopies and mammograms without co-payments, co-insurance or deductibles.
–Thousands more South Carolinians will benefit as the law becomes fully effective. Various phases guarantee coverage for children with pre-existing conditions, lift lifetime limits on coverage, and ban insurance companies from taking advantage of an application mistake to drop coverage when an individual gets sick, among other provisions.
–$16.8 million to South Carolina so far for grants to hold down insurance premiums, build competitive insurance marketplaces, provide insurance to early retirees and strengthen public health and prevention efforts.
–Provides up to 57,896 small businesses in South Carolina with tax credits to offset the costs of purchasing coverage for their employees.
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