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The Coverage Gap
A report from the Kaiser Family Foundation predicts roughly 194,000 South Carolinians will fall into a health insurance coverage gap due to incomes above Medicaid eligibility levels, but below poverty limits. They earn too much to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to qualify for Marketplace premium tax credits. Most of these people have very limited coverage options and are likely to remain uninsured.
Designers of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) relied on states expanding Medicaid as an integral part of the legislation in order to cover individuals under the new health care law. However, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled expansion optional, some states, like South Carolina, opted out – creating the no man’s land Kaiser and other experts have discovered for South Carolinians and thousands of their fellow citizens across the country.
Where are our uninsured in South Carolina?
Here are three maps showing where these 194,000 uninsured South Carolinians live…our neighbors, friends, and coworkers who fall into this health insurance coverage gap.
**These maps site the Federal Poverty Guidelines (see table at bottom of page).
The Medicaid Gap in South Carolina
Uninsured Non-Elderly Adults | Below 100% Poverty Level
Uninsured Non-Elderly Adults | Below 138% Poverty Level
[all maps John Ruoff, The Ruoff Group]
Persons in family/household Poverty guideline
1 $11,670
2 15,730
3 19,790
4 23,850
5 27,910
6 31,970
7 36,030
8 40,090
**For families/households with more than 8 persons, add $4,060 for each additional person
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