2nd Important Message From S.C. Hospital Association

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If federal health care reform is repealed, South Carolinians will suffer the following consequences:

  • Drastic cuts to the Medicaid and Medicare programs would lead to the closure of many hospital services and programs on which South Carolinians rely.
  • Senior citizens would no longer be eligible for a 50% discount on brand-name prescription drugs covered under Medicare Part D or the $250 check going out this year to help fill the donut hole. Seniors would also lose the new benefit of annual wellness check-ups.
  • 477,000 South Carolinians would lose the benefit of premium tax credits to help them afford coverage for their families.
  • 57,900 small businesses (which now pay 18% more for health insurance than large businesses) would lose the benefit of a small-business tax credit to help them make affordable health coverage available to their workers.
  • 613,000 South Carolinians (14% of the population) living in underserved areas would not benefit from new incentives to encourage primary-care providers to move to their underserved areas.
  • 4,700 primary care physicians in South Carolina would not receive a 5%-10% reimbursement adjustment to help cover the cost of providing primary and preventative care.
  • 58,500 early retirees who currently have insurance through their former employers would lose the security of an early-retiree reinsurance program to help keep their insurance in place.
  • Health insurers would not be required to cover children with cancer or other pre-existing conditions.
  • Adult children up to age 26 would no longer be eligible for coverage on their parents’ insurance plans.
  • Annual and lifetime limits could be imposed on your insurance coverage.
  • Coverage for individuals could be cancelled when they get sick.
  • Persons with pre-existing conditions could be refused coverage.
  • Insurers would not be required to fully cover preventative services, including colorectal screenings, immunizations, pap smears, mammograms and cholesterol screenings.

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